Surprising Benefits of Taro Root:
Taro Root is a starchy root vegetable, with brown outer skin and white flesh with purple specks throughout. Cooked taro root is mildly sweet and a texture similar to potato.
Daily Recommended dose of Taro Root is 132 grams.
It Serves various health benefits with fiber and other nutrients and helps with improved blood sugar management, gut, heart health and reducing weight
It contains balanced number of calories and very less protein and fat, rich in Fiber 5.07%, Manganese 30%, Vitamin B6 32%, Vitamin E 19%, Potassium 18% , Copper 13% , Vitamin C 11% , Phosphorus 10% and Magnesium 10%.
Fiber and resistant starch present in taro root are beneficial for blood sugar management and may reduce risk of heart disease.