Malanga (TARO) Coco
~~If you happen to be near a Hispanic market and are looking for a new food to add to your repertoire, you might want to consider giving malanga a try. A tropical root vegetable from South America, malanga is good baked, mashed or roasted. Including this root vegetable in your diet can help you meet your daily fiber and potassium needs. Plus, it's considered one of the least allergenic foods, according to the University of Florida, making it a good choice for anyone with severe food allergies.
Steady Your Blood Pressure
Eating foods rich in potassium helps control blood pressure by lowering the effects of sodium, according to the American Heart Association, and it is recommended that you get 4, 700 milligrams of potassium a day from food. With 320 milligrams in a 1/3-cup serving, malanga can help you meet your daily potassium needs and aid in blood pressure control. A high potassium diet is not healthy for everyone, however. The elderly and people with kidney disease should talk to their doctors first about potassium before upping their intake.