

Product Description

  • Brand Name: Seckinsan
  • ???? ??????? ??? 1982
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    Since 1982 production has continued unabated. present Seckinsan factory our guiding principles 'to produce quality products has remained : BEST QUALITY IS OUR AIM.
    Because we use production line techniques 90 of our customer orders are fulfilled from stocks we have in storage.
    For customers who require special products a detailed production plan is drafted which ensures that orders are delivered on time and without sacrificing quality.

    Sackinsan Axles , Hydraulic Piston , Telescope Cylinder, Connecting Equipment, And Spare Parts , Made in TURKEY.

Company Profile

  • Caglayan
  • [ Turkey ]
  • This company is registered as a free member and is not verified or authenticated by
  • ª£³³ª ±ƒ© "ª§„Š§†" „„ª¨±Š  ¹§… 1979 Š ‚„¨ §„§†§ˆ„Œ Š …­§¸© ‚ˆ†Š© . ˆ‚ †¬­ª ¨£† ªƒˆ† …† £ƒ¨± §„±ƒ§ª §„±§¦© Š ‚·§¹ §„ª¨±Š ˆ§„¹²„ ¨ª±ƒŠ§. ¨‚Š§…¾§ ¨¥³ª«…§±§ª …†§³¨© „„ª·ˆ±§ª §„ª‚†Š© ¹¨± ³†Š† §„®¨±© .  ˆª‚… §„±ƒ© :  £†¸…© §„ª¨±Š Œ ˆ…®§²† §„¾ˆ§¡ §„¨§±"§„º± §„…¨±©" ƒ…³ªˆ¹§ª §„ª¨±Š. ¨±§§ª ˆ«„§¬§ª §„¹±:§„£‚Š© ˆ§„¹…ˆŠ© „£‚³§… §„­„Š¨ ˆ …ª‚§ª¾§"£„¨§† ˆ£¬¨§†" Œ§„ƒ¹ƒ ˆ§„…¹¬†§ª  . §„„­ˆ… ˆ§„§³…...

Basic Information

  • Company Products / Services: refrigeration
  • Year Established: 1979
  • Number of Employees: 100+
  • Website:
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