Power system level by measuring current transformers, precision measuring instruments (such as the meter) with a transformer.
According to level of measurement accuracy requirements of transformer can be used as a core of soft magnetic materials of different materials. The higher permeability core, the smaller the measurement error of CT, the higher the precision.
Currently the largest amount of core material is cold-rolled silicon steel sheet, followed by the amorphous alloy and permalloy. In recent years, high-precision level (such as the 0.2, 0.2S class, 0.5S level) of the transformer demand is increasing rapidly. When asked to change than smaller, low-ampere turns, or the requirements of the core dimensions due to volume restrictions on the circumstances, the use of cold-rolled silicon steel sheet is often not reach the measurement accuracy.
Although the use of high permeability permalloy core meet the required precision, but the price is high. The use of amorphous alloy core can not only achieve the required accuracy but also the price is lower than the permalloy. Therefore, amorphous alloy core current transformer measured level of domestic demand increased rapidly.