An integrated circuit (IC) is a small chip made from semiconductor material, usually silicon. It contains many tiny electronic components, such as transistors, resistors, capacitors, and diodes, all packed together. These components perform various tasks, such as processing data or amplifying signals.
An IC is essentially a miniaturized electronic circuit that can be used for different applications. Which can also be defines as a device that consolidates many microelectronic components onto a small chip to function as a complete circuit.
Basic Components
An integrated circuit is like a tiny city of electronic parts. Each component has a role:
Transistors: Act as switches that can turn signals on or off.
Resistors: Control the flow of electric current.
Capacitors: Store and release electrical energy.
Diodes: Allow current to flow in one direction only.
These parts are connected through acceptable metal pathways to form a complete circuit. Together, they perform specific tasks, like controlling the flow of information or generating signals.
We manufacture all types of Integrated Circuits.
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