Ozonrelive Body Oil Spray Plus

Sindh Healthcare Sdn Bhd

Product Description

  • A real beauty is born from Oxygen!
    The ozone is a gas composed of three atoms of oxygen. When properly used in right doses, it becomes very beneficial to human beings as it leads to bountiful supply of oxygen to the cells!

    To ozonize olive oil, the ozone is directly passed through it, with a known concentration and for a set time, leading to formation of ozone bubbles in it. With oxidative effects on the lipid chains of the olive oil, it changes to oxygen, and stays there.

    The ozonization reduces the triglyceride contents of olive oil from 97 percent to 60 percent. And the oxidation of the remaining triglycerides leads to creation of many minor constituents with high beneficial biological activity. 

    Ancient remedy, new technology

    Olive oil has been considered a cosmetic with a variety of beneficial properties since times immemorial. From the Pharaohs of Egypt's to the Greek Olympians and ancient Romans all considered it as “the fountain of youth”. It has always been used as natural moisturizing, softening and smoothing agent for the skin, as well as nutrient and anti-inflammatory in all conditions of dry or peeling of the skin. It has always been recommended for the care and cosmetic effects on skin and for the softening of the hair. Our elders knew very well about its usefulness in protection from sun.

    Recent studies have shown that olive oil has a composition (triglycerides) very similar to the sebum of skin and among the natural lipids it is the only one with the greatest affinity for the lipid layer of the skin and cellular membranes, thus it can play effective sebum regulating role. Biologically virgin olive oil, extracted by cold pressing (without heating), is rich in natural fat-soluble vitamins – A & E, known well for their antioxidant properties and always considered as “friend of the skin”.

    Despite all its qualities, the olive oil had been set aside by modern dermocosmetics because of being too fatty and greasy, not utilizable on daily basis, inability to spread widely on the skin and on face, poor absorption and inability to be sprayed. Things have changed recently since the olive oil has met with another natural product, a great friend of man and of well-being - the Ozone!

    Body Oil Spray Plus

    200ml spray bottle. RM 225.Free shipping within Malaysia only.



    Suitable for Beauty & Protection

    Improved formula of Ozonrelive Body Oil with two new natural elements:
    Calendula and Alpha-Lipoic Acid

    Calendula, thanks to the presence of carotenes, helps block the effects of the searing sunlight, reducing the intensity and timing of the redness. The Alpha-lipoic acid, the universal antioxidant, protects the skin, increasing the vitality of the tissues. It helps prevent the formation of toxins which age the skin and alter the collagen of skin. Clinical studies show that 12 weeks are sufficient to improve photo aging skin. Ozonrelive Body Oil Plus, oxygenates the skin. Literally, it floods the skin with oxygen! 

Company Profile

  • Sindh Healthcare Sdn Bhd
  • [ Malaysia ]
  • This company is registered as a free member and is not verified or authenticated by Tradekey.com
  • Sindh Healthcare Sdn Bhd deals with healthcare, wellness and beauty related businesses and services in Malaysia (and elsewhere outside Malaysia if and when required). For more information and your requirements, please contact us.

Basic Information

  • Company Products / Services: health, wellness and beauty products and services.
  • Year Established: 2006
  • Number of Employees: 1-5
  • Website: www.sindhhealth.com
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