Black Chia in 100 pound Sacks 98% pure
~~Chia has often been described as the “World’s Healthiest Whole Food” and is cited as such in the January 2010 issue of “O” magazine, page 91. There are many things that can be said about chia and its health benefits. The way I often talk of chia in general terms is to say chia contains four main components: omega3 fatty acids, fiber (soluble and insoluble), antioxidants and protein.
Of these four components, three have been shown to have significant health benefits. Specifically, omega3 fatty acids and fiber have been shown to have positive health benefits in terms of heart health. Omega3 fatty acids and antioxidants have been shown to help reduce inflammation and increase immunity.
When you consume chia, your body will utilize those components of the seed that will most beneficially affect it, and hence will tend to improve your health. Some people have experienced reduced cholesterol levels, some have seen less joint pain, some have lost weight (due to the fiber acting to promote satiety), some have have had increased energy and stamina. As with any food, the effect it will have on your body will vary, and could be from being nothing to being very significant.