Candidiasis 4 Me


Product Description

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  • Candidiasis is a fungal infection. It is caused by the overgrowth of a type of yeast called Candida, usually Candida albicans. This yeast is normally found in small amounts in the human body.But certain medicines and health problems can cause more yeast to grow, particularly in warm, moist body areas. This can cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous symptoms.

    Discover what are the signs and symptoms of CANDIDA FUNGUS (CANDIDIASIS) and what you can do about it. This is one of the most comprehensive articles on how you can find out if you really have candida or its something else. One of the reasons it is so difficult to diagnose a CANDIDA ALBICANS overgrowth/infection is because the symptoms of CANDIDA YEAST very often mimic other medical conditions. Here is a list of all the symptoms of CANDIDIASIS:

    CANDIDA INFECTIONS: Vaginal yeast infections in women, Jock itch in men, Ringworm, Athletes foot, Oral thrush (in babies and individuals of all ages), abdominal issues, Brain Fog, Parasites, Depression, Anxiety, and Constant discomfort.

    MENTAL & EMOTIONAL SYMPTONS: Trouble hearing, tasting, smelling, or even seeing (including blurry vision, erratic vision, and spots), Mood swings, Nervousness, jitteriness, depression, and anxiety, Dizziness and light-headed sensations, Memory problems and confusion.

    DIGESTIVE SYSTEM SYMPTOMS:  Bloating, abdominal swelling, and gas, Indigestion and/or heartburn, General abdominal pain and discomfort, especially after eating, A change in your appetite, including cravings and nausea, Diarrhea, constipation, or both (usually alternating) and Stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, burping.

    URINARY TRACK SYMPTOMS: Bladder infections, Kidney infections, Prostatitis, Jock itch, Sexual drive issues and/or impotence, Painful intercourse, Vaginitis, Endometriosis, Fluid retention and Cystitis.

    SKIN & NAIL SYMPTOMS: Oral thrush, Mouth ulcers, Brittle or thickening finger and toenails, Intertrigo skin folds, Dandruff and itchy scalp, Psoriasis, Dermatitis (contact dermatitis, specifically), Rosacea, Diaper rashes in babies and Other fungal skin infections and body odors

    SKELETAL SYSTEM SYMPTOMS: Constant nasal congestion, Inflamed sinuses, Symptoms similar to the flu, Constant mucous in the throat, Constant sore throats or hoarse voices, Ringing in the ears and other strange sounds.

    Also, Diabetes, Cysts and polyps, swollen lymph nodes, sleep disorders, general malaise, chronic fatigue and more.

    A lot of people develop these symptoms and treat them successfully with over-the-counter medications. Others find their infections just wont clear up, or clear up and come back often worse each time. This is a sign you have a more serious underlying condition that needs to be treated.

    This supplement contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both candida overgrowth and a parasitical infection. In a recent study, this supplement was shown more effective against candida than any other anti-fungal drug. It contains natural tannins which kill fungus, parasites, and yeasts. It also contains Juglone, a chemical that has anti-fungal and antibiotic properties. 100% Natural. Made in USA. No side effects.

    Supplement Facts: Black Walnut hulls 500mg, Gelatin, Magnesium Stearate and Proprietary Blend.

    Directions: ADULTS take 2 capsules daily, as a dietary supplement. If the adult cannot swallow, please break it and  sprinkle in the food or water.



    PRICE $ 24.99




    Traditional properties attributed to this supplement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, teat, cure or prevent any disease, as well as to replace medical therapies or diets. You should consult always your veterinary before use it.

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  • PETMED4LESS, established in 2000, has steadily built a strong reputation in the developing, manufacturing, and marketing of nutritional supplements and OTC products of the highest quality for the national and international market. PETMED4LESS, has established its reputation through hard work, passion, enthusiasm, and commitment. PETMED4LESS, has made its international presence know through the ...

Basic Information

  • Company Products / Services: collagen for pets, urinary infection, vision, liver, joint plus and more
  • Year Established: 2000
  • Number of Employees: 11-15
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